IKSON Design Department is a strong strengthteam with single ENG are has excellent experience. Good design is the heartof mold, so we pays special attention to the mold construction, coolingchannels and moving mechanisms to ensure the highest quality parts aredelivered from its mold at the minimum cycle. Every mold and part design isfrom both design and manufacture experience. It is control by a consummateprocess:
1- Design meeting before mold design.(attend by design manager+designer)
2- Make design according to meeting conclusion.
3- Project meeting after finish 1th design.(attend by designmanager+designer+project ENG+ menufacture team)
4- Make 2th design and send to customer.
5- Fix the comments from customer until design approve.
IKSON Mould applies international advancedsystem - CAD/CAM/CAE in mould design.
Mostly the format of the drawing 2D in DWG orDXF, 3D in IGS, STP, X_T etc are able to communication each other.